I can’t believe we are less than 3 months from meeting our little one! 

We received our crib from Delta Children and absolutely love it! It is perfect in every way and matches the minimalist look we are going for. Even though our baby will sleep in a bassinet in our room for the first few months, I still want to get the nursery ready for play time and naps. We added these greenery decals from Amazon and they look great. So excited to keep adding to our nursery little by little. Will share final pictures once done.
One of my biggest regrets with my son Arian's pregnancy, is that I did not take many pictures. It makes me so sad that I look back at those nine months and I only have a handful of bump pictures to remember such a special time in my life. 

I think one of the reasons I did not take many pictures is because Arian was our rainbow baby. We miscarried our first baby at 9 weeks in February 2018, and soon after, April 2018, we found out we were expecting our son. Throughout my pregnancy, I was always very worried. I remember telling myself not to get too attached because I did not want to go through another heartbreak. I think subconsciously I avoided taking pictures, just in case something did happen. 

This is my third pregnancy, and even though I continue thinking about the possibility of a miscarriage I told myself I would take all the pictures I could to have memories to look back. I have tried my best to capture weekly photos of my bump, and I am so happy! I love that I can have these to look back at and show my future little one what their sweet bump looked like. 

So, I know it can be hard to feel up for taking pictures, especially with the fatugue, nausea, and everything else that comes with pregnancy. But my advice to you is, T A K E T H O S E P I C T U R E S! You will not regret it. 
How did we hit the 20 week mark already? 

Honestly, time is flying and I feel like baby will be here next thing we know. This pregancy has been a lot different than my pregnancy with my son. I definitely feel very different this time around, inside and out. For starters, my belly popped out the moment I found out I was pregnant lol. At six weeks I already had a bump, I know it was mostly bloating probably, but this never happened with my first pregnancy. 

My bump at 6 weeks. 

Another difference is this baby kicks a whole lot more than my son did. I started feeling movements with my son at aeound 16 weeks, this time around it started at 15 weeks but they were definitely stronger. I am only 20 weeks and this baby is already keeping me up at night with those kicks! Baby definitely wants me moving lol, it kicks me the most if I am sitting or laying. Maybe I can use this as motivation to get more workouts in, right? HA! 

With my son, I lost a lot of weight during my pregnancy, a total of 45 pounds. I think definitely the nausea contributed to this, I just wasn't very hungry throughout my pregnancy. My big boy was born early at 36 weeks and still weighed 7.5 pounds! The doctor says he would have been a 9-10 punder if he would have waited until 40 weeks to come. This time around I only lost some weight during first trimester, but have gained a total of five pounds. I get super hungry in the mornings and for lunch, but after 4 pm I am done for the day. We still have 20 weeks to go so we will see where I end up weight wise then. 

Last but definitely not least, this pregnancy I am TIRED! From the very beginning the fatigue hit hard. That was actually the reason why I took a pregnancy test, I fell asleep on the couch which never happens. So I knew something was up. With my son it was the complete oppossite. I was full of energy, working out, going on walks and stayed very active. Now all I want to do is lay down and nap lol. Everyone says it is because now I have a 3 year old running around and I have to keep up with him. 

I will come back and give another update at 30 weeks :)