There are so many great products I’ve had a chance to try these past few weeks. With the holidays coming up I think we are all searching for perfect gifts and even pampering items for ourselves.
These are some of the products I have been loving. You’ll find a little bit of everything on this list, and they are in no particular order :) I love them all!
If you like doing your own nails you know it can be difficult to find the right nail polish. Some are super expensive but low quality, others are cheap but even lower quality and some others don’t even have cute shades and colors! With having to wash dishes, play with a toddler, clean the house, type all day, use my phone and just every day chores, many times my nail polish chips pretty easily.
I was so excited when I received my Olive and June Treat Yourself Box. I had heard so many great things about their nail polish, I couldn’t wait to try them. I’ve been using them for only 4 days but my nails have not chipped! The box comes with everything you need for a perfect mani, no need to purchase it separately. In the box you’ll find:
1. Poppy polish bottle handle in white
2. The Top Coat
3. Cuticle Serum with Cactus Flower
4. Clean up Brush
5. Polish Remover Pot
6. Flat Edge Clippers
7. Dual Grit File
8. Nail Buffer Bar
9. 9 different nail polish in different colors
One of my favorites is their acetone free nail polish remover! It is always a struggle trying to remove nail polish, and this makes it super easy, quick and mess free! All you do is dip your finger into the center of the pot and twist until nail polish is fully removed, it doesn’t get better than this!!
Their products are always cruelty free and vegan, what else can we ask for?
Another great thing is they are having a huge sale starting today Sunday November 24th through Monday December 2, 11:59 pm! They are offering 25% off their entire site!!! This means you could snag the whole box (shown above) for only $75!!!
Whether your looking for a gift or a mani for yourself, this is a must!!!!
2. Lollipop Baby Monitor
Don’t ask me why, but I’ve always been super scared of having a baby monitor, lol. I’ve always feared one day looking at the monitor and seeing a shadow or hearing a voice. I guess I always saw how bad the quality of many baby monitors was that I did not trust them.
Thankfully I discovered Lollipop Baby Monitors! Their image quality is amazing and they look super cute. It’s is extremely simple and easy to set up, you can either put it up right on the crib or up on the wall. We decided to put ours on the wall next to Arian’s crib since he’s getting into everything now, lol.
You can find it in three different colors, Cotton Candy Pink, Pistachio Green, and Turquoise which is the one we have. You download the app and have access to seeing your baby anywhere you are, how cool is that? So many cool features, some of them include:
- Crying detection
- Live View
- Data history
- Sharing
- Event list
You can purchase yours online, Target and Amazon, find it on my Amazon affiliate link here.
Are you a plant lover? Do you want to make sure your plants are always receiving the water they need, the light and the PH needed to survive? If yes, this is for you!
I have a few plants around my house, they are all beautiful and bring so much happiness to our home, I love them all.
It can be somewhat difficult to keep up with the specific instruction for care for each of them. So I decided to purchase this one from Amazon, and I love it. It tells you what your plant is lacking and it’s super accurate. You just stuck it into the soil and decide which feature reading you want to learn about. It’ll tell you whether it’s lacking something, if it’s had enough or if it’s just right.
Definitely worth it, and super cheap! You can purchase it for only $9.99, find it on my affiliate Amazon link here.
I finally made the switch and decided I should treat my hair with more love and respect. We often worry about what we feed our bodies, the products we use to clean around our home, and we always want the best of the best, organic, clean products. If you’re still using regular drug store shampoo and conditioners brands, please look at all the ingredients. I’m sure you’ll be shocked to find how many chemicals and unsafe ingredients are used!
I decided to switch to Monat, and I am so happy I did! Their products are all naturally based by using high quality botanical extracts, essential oils and vitamins. They also smell delicious!!!
I have been using their Renew Shampoo, Revitalize Conditioner and Black Shampoo and Conditioner for about a month now and I can already tell the difference. These products are all supposed to help with hair damage repair, hair growth, and strengthening hair.
I will soon be trying their masque and their Intense Repair Treatment and I am so excited!
Can’t wait to see my results very soon, will keep y’all posted!
Thanks for reading!!!
Thanks for reading!!!
There are so many great products I’ve had a chance to try these past few weeks. With the holidays coming up I think we are all searching for perfect gifts and even pampering items for ourselves.
These are some of the products I have been loving. You’ll find a little bit of everything on this list, and they are in no particular order :) I love them all!
If you like doing your own nails you know it can be difficult to find the right nail polish. Some are super expensive but low quality, others are cheap but even lower quality and some others don’t even have cute shades and colors! With having to wash dishes, play with a toddler, clean the house, type all day, use my phone and just every day chores, many times my nail polish chips pretty easily.
I was so excited when I received my Olive and June Treat Yourself Box. I had heard so many great things about their nail polish, I couldn’t wait to try them. I’ve been using them for only 4 days but my nails have not chipped! The box comes with everything you need for a perfect mani, no need to purchase it separately. In the box you’ll find:
1. Poppy polish bottle handle in white
2. The Top Coat
3. Cuticle Serum with Cactus Flower
4. Clean up Brush
5. Polish Remover Pot
6. Flat Edge Clippers
7. Dual Grit File
8. Nail Buffer Bar
9. 9 different nail polish in different colors
One of my favorites is their acetone free nail polish remover! It is always a struggle trying to remove nail polish, and this makes it super easy, quick and mess free! All you do is dip your finger into the center of the pot and twist until nail polish is fully removed, it doesn’t get better than this!!
Their products are always cruelty free and vegan, what else can we ask for?
Another great thing is they are having a huge sale starting today Sunday November 24th through Monday December 2, 11:59 pm! They are offering 25% off their entire site!!! This means you could snag the whole box (shown above) for only $75!!!
Whether your looking for a gift or a mani for yourself, this is a must!!!!
2. Lollipop Baby Monitor
Don’t ask me why, but I’ve always been super scared of having a baby monitor, lol. I’ve always feared one day looking at the monitor and seeing a shadow or hearing a voice. I guess I always saw how bad the quality of many baby monitors was that I did not trust them.
Thankfully I discovered Lollipop Baby Monitors! Their image quality is amazing and they look super cute. It’s is extremely simple and easy to set up, you can either put it up right on the crib or up on the wall. We decided to put ours on the wall next to Arian’s crib since he’s getting into everything now, lol.
You can find it in three different colors, Cotton Candy Pink, Pistachio Green, and Turquoise which is the one we have. You download the app and have access to seeing your baby anywhere you are, how cool is that? So many cool features, some of them include:
- Crying detection
- Live View
- Data history
- Sharing
- Event list
You can purchase yours online, Target and Amazon, find it on my Amazon affiliate link here.
Are you a plant lover? Do you want to make sure your plants are always receiving the water they need, the light and the PH needed to survive? If yes, this is for you!
I have a few plants around my house, they are all beautiful and bring so much happiness to our home, I love them all.
It can be somewhat difficult to keep up with the specific instruction for care for each of them. So I decided to purchase this one from Amazon, and I love it. It tells you what your plant is lacking and it’s super accurate. You just stuck it into the soil and decide which feature reading you want to learn about. It’ll tell you whether it’s lacking something, if it’s had enough or if it’s just right.
Definitely worth it, and super cheap! You can purchase it for only $9.99, find it on my affiliate Amazon link here.
I finally made the switch and decided I should treat my hair with more love and respect. We often worry about what we feed our bodies, the products we use to clean around our home, and we always want the best of the best, organic, clean products. If you’re still using regular drug store shampoo and conditioners brands, please look at all the ingredients. I’m sure you’ll be shocked to find how many chemicals and unsafe ingredients are used!
I decided to switch to Monat, and I am so happy I did! Their products are all naturally based by using high quality botanical extracts, essential oils and vitamins. They also smell delicious!!!
I have been using their Renew Shampoo, Revitalize Conditioner and Black Shampoo and Conditioner for about a month now and I can already tell the difference. These products are all supposed to help with hair damage repair, hair growth, and strengthening hair.
I will soon be trying their masque and their Intense Repair Treatment and I am so excited!
Can’t wait to see my results very soon, will keep y’all posted!
Thanks for reading!!!
Thanks for reading!!!
found in
"You will never be prepared, no matter how much you try!" I heard these words so many times throughout my pregnancy.
Whenever I would say I was taking classes or doing countless amounts of research or simply trying to prepare myself for labor, experienced mothers would tell me there's no such thing as preparing for the unexpected. Labor rarely goes as planned.
While I agree with the fact that labor rarely goes as planned, I am a true believer that preparation is key to success.
I apply this to every aspect of my life. If I don't prepare I feel like I am setting myself up for failure. Labor was going to be no different. I was determined to be as prepared as possible.
So I did everything I could to prepare for what I thought was going to be one of my most challenging experiences. I knew it would be challenging but beautiful at the same time. And the finish line was meeting my baby boy, a happy ending!
Arian's due date was December 3. My last doctor's appointment was on October 26, 2018 and my following appointment was supposed to be November 9, 2018, and weekly visits after that.
Sunday November 4th came around and Alex and I had our maternity photo shoot. I was debating on what shoes to wear and I ended up wearing my favorite booties.
It was at Presidio Park and we did some walking to be able to capture some good sceneries. After that, we went to eat then finally made it home.
After changing into my pajamas and laying down I suddenly had a strong urge to go for a walk, yes at 10 pm. I told Alex and he looked at me with a confused stare lol. He then said, "Okay, let's go!" We got up, put our shoes on and went for a walk around our neighborhood.
About 10 minutes into our walk I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. It wasn't necessarily painful, but more uncomfortable. We decided to go back to our home and wait it out. I felt no more pain and felt completely fine the rest of the night.
The next day I had to go to work, and it just so happened that that day I was running my meeting in Solana Beach (about 30 min drive from my home). When I got there (around 6 pm) I got out of my car and right away I felt what I thought was discharge at the time.
I made my way to the bathroom but didn't see anything so I went on with my regular schedule. I was sitting down for about 15 minutes and felt like I had to go to the bathroom again.
I got up and made my way to the bathroom. As soon as I sat I felt a big gush of water come out. Right away I knew this might be my water breaking. I texted Alex and I called my mom to ask for opinion and she told me I should call my doctor right away.
I called my doctor and after asking me a few questions she determined it was most likely my water breaking and advised me to head to the hospital right away. I was not feeling any contractions or any pain at this point.
It was 6:20/6:30 pm, and I had to head south on the 5 freeway. Traffic was going to be horrible!!! I spoke to Alex and we decided he would Uber to me and he would drive us back down to the hospital.
I was waiting for about 10 minutes when and I started getting a little nervous and anxious. I then decided I would start driving down and meet Alex somewhere closer to the hospital. We ended up meeting in Clairemont, even though it did not take too long to get there, it definitely felt like an eternity.
We finally arrived at the hospital a little before 8 pm. Alex dropped me off in the front while he went to look for parking. I was so scared to get off the car, I didn't want to leak everywhere lol.
At this point I still had no pain or contractions. I checked in and they wheeled me up to the labor and delivery floor. They took me straight into the triage and told me they would check to see if my water did break or if it was something else.
They checked and confirmed I had premature rupture of the membranes at 36 weeks. They then informed me they would contact my doctor to see how she wanted us to proceed.
They also informed me I was no longer able to walk around and had to be in a laying position until I delivered. My first thought and question: "what if I have to use the restroom?" The nurse smiled and showed me a tiny bucket I would have to use... ohhhh.... myyyyyy... goddddd! Lol
I contacted my mom and updated her on what was going on. She asked if she should come and I said we were just waiting so there was no point. I told her I would call her once she should start heading over.
The nurses in the triage informed they were waiting to hear back from my doctor to see how she wanted them to proceed. It was about 9:30 pm when she called them and told them she suggested I get induced since I was having zero contractions and my water broke and it was premature labor.
The nurse told me I would be getting cervidil. I asked a millions questions since I had not done any research on this form of induction. I knew the most common was pitocin, and even then my plan was to avoid induction as much as possible unless it was absolutely necessary.
I asked the nurse what I should expect once it was inserted. She said I would have it in for about 12 hours and during that time I would feel mild cramping but nothing extreme. She then said I wouldn't deliver for another 24-48 hours since it was my first baby and I had no contractions.
Alex and I decided he should go home to prepare our hospital bag, set up baby's car seat and finish his capstone paper that was due the next day. Before he left he asked the nurse one last time if baby was coming any time soon and once again she said "No way! She has a long way to go."
My mom arrived at the hospital at around 11 pm. Soon after she arrived they induced me. About 20 minutes later I started feeling some pain on my lower back. I didn't think much of it and tried to ignore it.
By 11:45 pm the pain started intensifying so I told my mom and we checked my contraction chart and it was still flat. According to the machine I still had no contractions. I waited it out but about 15 minutes later the pain got so strong I was starting to get nervous.
I called the nurse over and asked if she could check if I was dilated, and she told me there was no point in checking. She said based on the chart I wasn't even contracting so she knew I couldn't be dilated.
She then went on to talk about how majority of first time moms think the pain is stronger than it actually is. I actually thought she might have been right at the moment and thought to myself "I'm so dramatic!" Lol. She said she wouldn't check me until 8 am the next morning.
15 minutes after that (about 12:15 am) my lower back pain was so intense I started crying and yelling. The nurse came over and once again checked my chart and said I wasn't contracting. I told her the pain was very strong and I wanted to be checked she said she couldn't, again, I had to wait until 8 am the next morning.
She left, my mom tried to comfort me but the pain got so bad, I felt like my hips were being pulled apart. At that point my mom ran to get the nurse. The nurses told my mom to wait outside.
I then told the nurse I needed to get checked because the pain was so bad I could no longer stand it. She once again said "sweetie, you are not even contracting yet. You'll be okay." At that point I felt ignored, vulnerable and upset, I demanded to speak to my doctor (who was delivering triplets at another location.)
I told the nurse she was being uncooperative and not listening and that I wanted to speak to someone else because this was not normal. She then rolled her eyes and said she would check.
She went in to check, and guess what? I WAS 10 CM DILATED!!!!!! Her eyes got so big and she just kept apologizing saying she didn't know how it had happened so fast.
I then yelled for my mom and told her to call Alex because the baby was coming. I was feeling so helpless, unheard and nervous. Labor is already very difficult, but my nursing team in the triage made it even worst.
I understand nurses and doctors deal with women in labor every day and this might be a very common experience for them. However, this was MY FIRST time, my SPECIAL MOMENT, and they did not treat me with any respect.
They ignored my requests, labeled me as a weak person unable to handle "normal pain," and did not care one bit about what I was feeling and experiencing.
I did my best to clear my mind and keep a positive attitude. I knew the most difficult part was coming and I wanted to be fully prepared and go in with a positive and clear mind.
The nurse asked me if I wanted the epidural. I thought it was too late but she said I could still get it. I decided I wanted to do it, since at this point the pain on my back was unbearable.
The anesthesiologist showed up with a nurse. She started prepping me and they asked me to sit up. My contractions at this point were less than 20 seconds apart.
The anesthesiologist kept saying "Don't move because if you move I could paralyze you!" SERIOUSLY? I know the dangers of an epidural and while he was right, how could he keep asking me not to move when my contractions were so close together?
After a few times of him telling me not to move I yelled and told him I didn't want it. The nurse then said "Honey, you need it. Your a first time mom!" I lost it.
Up to this point I had had nothing but bad experiences with everyone. Nurses not listening to me, ignoring me, telling me I was exaggerating, and now this one telling me I NEEDED AN EPIDURAL BECAUSE I WAS A FTM.
At that point I told them both to get out of my room and to not talk to me anymore. I really wanted to focus on staying positive and letting my body do what it was meant to do. I continued to take big breaths and think about everything I had learned about during my pregnancy. I was determined to deliver Arian with a positive mind.
Soon after that, another nurse came in and checked me. She said she saw the baby's head and that we needed to head into the delivery room. They then informed me all delivery rooms were taken and I would be delivering in the OR. WHAT???!!!
Everything I had planned went out the window. My mom and Alex were both supposed to be in the room with me. But when delivering in the OR only one person can be with you.
As they were rolling me into the OR, I asked the nurse where my doctor was. She informed me she was on her way. I also asked for my mom and they told me she was out in the waiting area.
I spoke to my mom briefly and told her what was going on (probably just babbled since I was in so much pain lol). My mom was so sweet and supportive and told me everything would be okay and that Alex was almost there.
They rolled me in to the OR and I kept asking for Alex and my doctor. They kept telling me they were both on their way. At this point my contractions were pretty close together and they pain was very intense!
I remember telling them I had to poop (lol tmi). And they kept telling me it was baby coming....I was so nervous, scared and anxious to see if my doctor and Alex would make it on time...
To be continued !
Whenever I would say I was taking classes or doing countless amounts of research or simply trying to prepare myself for labor, experienced mothers would tell me there's no such thing as preparing for the unexpected. Labor rarely goes as planned.
While I agree with the fact that labor rarely goes as planned, I am a true believer that preparation is key to success.
I apply this to every aspect of my life. If I don't prepare I feel like I am setting myself up for failure. Labor was going to be no different. I was determined to be as prepared as possible.
So I did everything I could to prepare for what I thought was going to be one of my most challenging experiences. I knew it would be challenging but beautiful at the same time. And the finish line was meeting my baby boy, a happy ending!
Arian's due date was December 3. My last doctor's appointment was on October 26, 2018 and my following appointment was supposed to be November 9, 2018, and weekly visits after that.
Sunday November 4th came around and Alex and I had our maternity photo shoot. I was debating on what shoes to wear and I ended up wearing my favorite booties.
It was at Presidio Park and we did some walking to be able to capture some good sceneries. After that, we went to eat then finally made it home.
After changing into my pajamas and laying down I suddenly had a strong urge to go for a walk, yes at 10 pm. I told Alex and he looked at me with a confused stare lol. He then said, "Okay, let's go!" We got up, put our shoes on and went for a walk around our neighborhood.
About 10 minutes into our walk I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. It wasn't necessarily painful, but more uncomfortable. We decided to go back to our home and wait it out. I felt no more pain and felt completely fine the rest of the night.
The next day I had to go to work, and it just so happened that that day I was running my meeting in Solana Beach (about 30 min drive from my home). When I got there (around 6 pm) I got out of my car and right away I felt what I thought was discharge at the time.
I made my way to the bathroom but didn't see anything so I went on with my regular schedule. I was sitting down for about 15 minutes and felt like I had to go to the bathroom again.
I got up and made my way to the bathroom. As soon as I sat I felt a big gush of water come out. Right away I knew this might be my water breaking. I texted Alex and I called my mom to ask for opinion and she told me I should call my doctor right away.
I called my doctor and after asking me a few questions she determined it was most likely my water breaking and advised me to head to the hospital right away. I was not feeling any contractions or any pain at this point.
It was 6:20/6:30 pm, and I had to head south on the 5 freeway. Traffic was going to be horrible!!! I spoke to Alex and we decided he would Uber to me and he would drive us back down to the hospital.
I was waiting for about 10 minutes when and I started getting a little nervous and anxious. I then decided I would start driving down and meet Alex somewhere closer to the hospital. We ended up meeting in Clairemont, even though it did not take too long to get there, it definitely felt like an eternity.
We finally arrived at the hospital a little before 8 pm. Alex dropped me off in the front while he went to look for parking. I was so scared to get off the car, I didn't want to leak everywhere lol.
At this point I still had no pain or contractions. I checked in and they wheeled me up to the labor and delivery floor. They took me straight into the triage and told me they would check to see if my water did break or if it was something else.
They checked and confirmed I had premature rupture of the membranes at 36 weeks. They then informed me they would contact my doctor to see how she wanted us to proceed.
They also informed me I was no longer able to walk around and had to be in a laying position until I delivered. My first thought and question: "what if I have to use the restroom?" The nurse smiled and showed me a tiny bucket I would have to use... ohhhh.... myyyyyy... goddddd! Lol
I contacted my mom and updated her on what was going on. She asked if she should come and I said we were just waiting so there was no point. I told her I would call her once she should start heading over.
The nurses in the triage informed they were waiting to hear back from my doctor to see how she wanted them to proceed. It was about 9:30 pm when she called them and told them she suggested I get induced since I was having zero contractions and my water broke and it was premature labor.
The nurse told me I would be getting cervidil. I asked a millions questions since I had not done any research on this form of induction. I knew the most common was pitocin, and even then my plan was to avoid induction as much as possible unless it was absolutely necessary.
I asked the nurse what I should expect once it was inserted. She said I would have it in for about 12 hours and during that time I would feel mild cramping but nothing extreme. She then said I wouldn't deliver for another 24-48 hours since it was my first baby and I had no contractions.
Alex and I decided he should go home to prepare our hospital bag, set up baby's car seat and finish his capstone paper that was due the next day. Before he left he asked the nurse one last time if baby was coming any time soon and once again she said "No way! She has a long way to go."
My mom arrived at the hospital at around 11 pm. Soon after she arrived they induced me. About 20 minutes later I started feeling some pain on my lower back. I didn't think much of it and tried to ignore it.
By 11:45 pm the pain started intensifying so I told my mom and we checked my contraction chart and it was still flat. According to the machine I still had no contractions. I waited it out but about 15 minutes later the pain got so strong I was starting to get nervous.
I called the nurse over and asked if she could check if I was dilated, and she told me there was no point in checking. She said based on the chart I wasn't even contracting so she knew I couldn't be dilated.
She then went on to talk about how majority of first time moms think the pain is stronger than it actually is. I actually thought she might have been right at the moment and thought to myself "I'm so dramatic!" Lol. She said she wouldn't check me until 8 am the next morning.
15 minutes after that (about 12:15 am) my lower back pain was so intense I started crying and yelling. The nurse came over and once again checked my chart and said I wasn't contracting. I told her the pain was very strong and I wanted to be checked she said she couldn't, again, I had to wait until 8 am the next morning.
She left, my mom tried to comfort me but the pain got so bad, I felt like my hips were being pulled apart. At that point my mom ran to get the nurse. The nurses told my mom to wait outside.
I then told the nurse I needed to get checked because the pain was so bad I could no longer stand it. She once again said "sweetie, you are not even contracting yet. You'll be okay." At that point I felt ignored, vulnerable and upset, I demanded to speak to my doctor (who was delivering triplets at another location.)
I told the nurse she was being uncooperative and not listening and that I wanted to speak to someone else because this was not normal. She then rolled her eyes and said she would check.
She went in to check, and guess what? I WAS 10 CM DILATED!!!!!! Her eyes got so big and she just kept apologizing saying she didn't know how it had happened so fast.
I then yelled for my mom and told her to call Alex because the baby was coming. I was feeling so helpless, unheard and nervous. Labor is already very difficult, but my nursing team in the triage made it even worst.
I understand nurses and doctors deal with women in labor every day and this might be a very common experience for them. However, this was MY FIRST time, my SPECIAL MOMENT, and they did not treat me with any respect.
They ignored my requests, labeled me as a weak person unable to handle "normal pain," and did not care one bit about what I was feeling and experiencing.
I did my best to clear my mind and keep a positive attitude. I knew the most difficult part was coming and I wanted to be fully prepared and go in with a positive and clear mind.
The nurse asked me if I wanted the epidural. I thought it was too late but she said I could still get it. I decided I wanted to do it, since at this point the pain on my back was unbearable.
The anesthesiologist showed up with a nurse. She started prepping me and they asked me to sit up. My contractions at this point were less than 20 seconds apart.
The anesthesiologist kept saying "Don't move because if you move I could paralyze you!" SERIOUSLY? I know the dangers of an epidural and while he was right, how could he keep asking me not to move when my contractions were so close together?
After a few times of him telling me not to move I yelled and told him I didn't want it. The nurse then said "Honey, you need it. Your a first time mom!" I lost it.
Up to this point I had had nothing but bad experiences with everyone. Nurses not listening to me, ignoring me, telling me I was exaggerating, and now this one telling me I NEEDED AN EPIDURAL BECAUSE I WAS A FTM.
At that point I told them both to get out of my room and to not talk to me anymore. I really wanted to focus on staying positive and letting my body do what it was meant to do. I continued to take big breaths and think about everything I had learned about during my pregnancy. I was determined to deliver Arian with a positive mind.
Soon after that, another nurse came in and checked me. She said she saw the baby's head and that we needed to head into the delivery room. They then informed me all delivery rooms were taken and I would be delivering in the OR. WHAT???!!!
Everything I had planned went out the window. My mom and Alex were both supposed to be in the room with me. But when delivering in the OR only one person can be with you.
As they were rolling me into the OR, I asked the nurse where my doctor was. She informed me she was on her way. I also asked for my mom and they told me she was out in the waiting area.
I spoke to my mom briefly and told her what was going on (probably just babbled since I was in so much pain lol). My mom was so sweet and supportive and told me everything would be okay and that Alex was almost there.
They rolled me in to the OR and I kept asking for Alex and my doctor. They kept telling me they were both on their way. At this point my contractions were pretty close together and they pain was very intense!
I remember telling them I had to poop (lol tmi). And they kept telling me it was baby coming....I was so nervous, scared and anxious to see if my doctor and Alex would make it on time...
To be continued !
"You will never be prepared, no matter how much you try!" I heard these words so many times throughout my pregnancy.
Whenever I would say I was taking classes or doing countless amounts of research or simply trying to prepare myself for labor, experienced mothers would tell me there's no such thing as preparing for the unexpected. Labor rarely goes as planned.
While I agree with the fact that labor rarely goes as planned, I am a true believer that preparation is key to success.
I apply this to every aspect of my life. If I don't prepare I feel like I am setting myself up for failure. Labor was going to be no different. I was determined to be as prepared as possible.
So I did everything I could to prepare for what I thought was going to be one of my most challenging experiences. I knew it would be challenging but beautiful at the same time. And the finish line was meeting my baby boy, a happy ending!
Arian's due date was December 3. My last doctor's appointment was on October 26, 2018 and my following appointment was supposed to be November 9, 2018, and weekly visits after that.
Sunday November 4th came around and Alex and I had our maternity photo shoot. I was debating on what shoes to wear and I ended up wearing my favorite booties.
It was at Presidio Park and we did some walking to be able to capture some good sceneries. After that, we went to eat then finally made it home.
After changing into my pajamas and laying down I suddenly had a strong urge to go for a walk, yes at 10 pm. I told Alex and he looked at me with a confused stare lol. He then said, "Okay, let's go!" We got up, put our shoes on and went for a walk around our neighborhood.
About 10 minutes into our walk I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. It wasn't necessarily painful, but more uncomfortable. We decided to go back to our home and wait it out. I felt no more pain and felt completely fine the rest of the night.
The next day I had to go to work, and it just so happened that that day I was running my meeting in Solana Beach (about 30 min drive from my home). When I got there (around 6 pm) I got out of my car and right away I felt what I thought was discharge at the time.
I made my way to the bathroom but didn't see anything so I went on with my regular schedule. I was sitting down for about 15 minutes and felt like I had to go to the bathroom again.
I got up and made my way to the bathroom. As soon as I sat I felt a big gush of water come out. Right away I knew this might be my water breaking. I texted Alex and I called my mom to ask for opinion and she told me I should call my doctor right away.
I called my doctor and after asking me a few questions she determined it was most likely my water breaking and advised me to head to the hospital right away. I was not feeling any contractions or any pain at this point.
It was 6:20/6:30 pm, and I had to head south on the 5 freeway. Traffic was going to be horrible!!! I spoke to Alex and we decided he would Uber to me and he would drive us back down to the hospital.
I was waiting for about 10 minutes when and I started getting a little nervous and anxious. I then decided I would start driving down and meet Alex somewhere closer to the hospital. We ended up meeting in Clairemont, even though it did not take too long to get there, it definitely felt like an eternity.
We finally arrived at the hospital a little before 8 pm. Alex dropped me off in the front while he went to look for parking. I was so scared to get off the car, I didn't want to leak everywhere lol.
At this point I still had no pain or contractions. I checked in and they wheeled me up to the labor and delivery floor. They took me straight into the triage and told me they would check to see if my water did break or if it was something else.
They checked and confirmed I had premature rupture of the membranes at 36 weeks. They then informed me they would contact my doctor to see how she wanted us to proceed.
They also informed me I was no longer able to walk around and had to be in a laying position until I delivered. My first thought and question: "what if I have to use the restroom?" The nurse smiled and showed me a tiny bucket I would have to use... ohhhh.... myyyyyy... goddddd! Lol
I contacted my mom and updated her on what was going on. She asked if she should come and I said we were just waiting so there was no point. I told her I would call her once she should start heading over.
The nurses in the triage informed they were waiting to hear back from my doctor to see how she wanted them to proceed. It was about 9:30 pm when she called them and told them she suggested I get induced since I was having zero contractions and my water broke and it was premature labor.
The nurse told me I would be getting cervidil. I asked a millions questions since I had not done any research on this form of induction. I knew the most common was pitocin, and even then my plan was to avoid induction as much as possible unless it was absolutely necessary.
I asked the nurse what I should expect once it was inserted. She said I would have it in for about 12 hours and during that time I would feel mild cramping but nothing extreme. She then said I wouldn't deliver for another 24-48 hours since it was my first baby and I had no contractions.
Alex and I decided he should go home to prepare our hospital bag, set up baby's car seat and finish his capstone paper that was due the next day. Before he left he asked the nurse one last time if baby was coming any time soon and once again she said "No way! She has a long way to go."
My mom arrived at the hospital at around 11 pm. Soon after she arrived they induced me. About 20 minutes later I started feeling some pain on my lower back. I didn't think much of it and tried to ignore it.
By 11:45 pm the pain started intensifying so I told my mom and we checked my contraction chart and it was still flat. According to the machine I still had no contractions. I waited it out but about 15 minutes later the pain got so strong I was starting to get nervous.
I called the nurse over and asked if she could check if I was dilated, and she told me there was no point in checking. She said based on the chart I wasn't even contracting so she knew I couldn't be dilated.
She then went on to talk about how majority of first time moms think the pain is stronger than it actually is. I actually thought she might have been right at the moment and thought to myself "I'm so dramatic!" Lol. She said she wouldn't check me until 8 am the next morning.
15 minutes after that (about 12:15 am) my lower back pain was so intense I started crying and yelling. The nurse came over and once again checked my chart and said I wasn't contracting. I told her the pain was very strong and I wanted to be checked she said she couldn't, again, I had to wait until 8 am the next morning.
She left, my mom tried to comfort me but the pain got so bad, I felt like my hips were being pulled apart. At that point my mom ran to get the nurse. The nurses told my mom to wait outside.
I then told the nurse I needed to get checked because the pain was so bad I could no longer stand it. She once again said "sweetie, you are not even contracting yet. You'll be okay." At that point I felt ignored, vulnerable and upset, I demanded to speak to my doctor (who was delivering triplets at another location.)
I told the nurse she was being uncooperative and not listening and that I wanted to speak to someone else because this was not normal. She then rolled her eyes and said she would check.
She went in to check, and guess what? I WAS 10 CM DILATED!!!!!! Her eyes got so big and she just kept apologizing saying she didn't know how it had happened so fast.
I then yelled for my mom and told her to call Alex because the baby was coming. I was feeling so helpless, unheard and nervous. Labor is already very difficult, but my nursing team in the triage made it even worst.
I understand nurses and doctors deal with women in labor every day and this might be a very common experience for them. However, this was MY FIRST time, my SPECIAL MOMENT, and they did not treat me with any respect.
They ignored my requests, labeled me as a weak person unable to handle "normal pain," and did not care one bit about what I was feeling and experiencing.
I did my best to clear my mind and keep a positive attitude. I knew the most difficult part was coming and I wanted to be fully prepared and go in with a positive and clear mind.
The nurse asked me if I wanted the epidural. I thought it was too late but she said I could still get it. I decided I wanted to do it, since at this point the pain on my back was unbearable.
The anesthesiologist showed up with a nurse. She started prepping me and they asked me to sit up. My contractions at this point were less than 20 seconds apart.
The anesthesiologist kept saying "Don't move because if you move I could paralyze you!" SERIOUSLY? I know the dangers of an epidural and while he was right, how could he keep asking me not to move when my contractions were so close together?
After a few times of him telling me not to move I yelled and told him I didn't want it. The nurse then said "Honey, you need it. Your a first time mom!" I lost it.
Up to this point I had had nothing but bad experiences with everyone. Nurses not listening to me, ignoring me, telling me I was exaggerating, and now this one telling me I NEEDED AN EPIDURAL BECAUSE I WAS A FTM.
At that point I told them both to get out of my room and to not talk to me anymore. I really wanted to focus on staying positive and letting my body do what it was meant to do. I continued to take big breaths and think about everything I had learned about during my pregnancy. I was determined to deliver Arian with a positive mind.
Soon after that, another nurse came in and checked me. She said she saw the baby's head and that we needed to head into the delivery room. They then informed me all delivery rooms were taken and I would be delivering in the OR. WHAT???!!!
Everything I had planned went out the window. My mom and Alex were both supposed to be in the room with me. But when delivering in the OR only one person can be with you.
As they were rolling me into the OR, I asked the nurse where my doctor was. She informed me she was on her way. I also asked for my mom and they told me she was out in the waiting area.
I spoke to my mom briefly and told her what was going on (probably just babbled since I was in so much pain lol). My mom was so sweet and supportive and told me everything would be okay and that Alex was almost there.
They rolled me in to the OR and I kept asking for Alex and my doctor. They kept telling me they were both on their way. At this point my contractions were pretty close together and they pain was very intense!
I remember telling them I had to poop (lol tmi). And they kept telling me it was baby coming....I was so nervous, scared and anxious to see if my doctor and Alex would make it on time...
To be continued !
Whenever I would say I was taking classes or doing countless amounts of research or simply trying to prepare myself for labor, experienced mothers would tell me there's no such thing as preparing for the unexpected. Labor rarely goes as planned.
While I agree with the fact that labor rarely goes as planned, I am a true believer that preparation is key to success.
I apply this to every aspect of my life. If I don't prepare I feel like I am setting myself up for failure. Labor was going to be no different. I was determined to be as prepared as possible.
So I did everything I could to prepare for what I thought was going to be one of my most challenging experiences. I knew it would be challenging but beautiful at the same time. And the finish line was meeting my baby boy, a happy ending!
Arian's due date was December 3. My last doctor's appointment was on October 26, 2018 and my following appointment was supposed to be November 9, 2018, and weekly visits after that.
Sunday November 4th came around and Alex and I had our maternity photo shoot. I was debating on what shoes to wear and I ended up wearing my favorite booties.
It was at Presidio Park and we did some walking to be able to capture some good sceneries. After that, we went to eat then finally made it home.
After changing into my pajamas and laying down I suddenly had a strong urge to go for a walk, yes at 10 pm. I told Alex and he looked at me with a confused stare lol. He then said, "Okay, let's go!" We got up, put our shoes on and went for a walk around our neighborhood.
About 10 minutes into our walk I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. It wasn't necessarily painful, but more uncomfortable. We decided to go back to our home and wait it out. I felt no more pain and felt completely fine the rest of the night.
The next day I had to go to work, and it just so happened that that day I was running my meeting in Solana Beach (about 30 min drive from my home). When I got there (around 6 pm) I got out of my car and right away I felt what I thought was discharge at the time.
I made my way to the bathroom but didn't see anything so I went on with my regular schedule. I was sitting down for about 15 minutes and felt like I had to go to the bathroom again.
I got up and made my way to the bathroom. As soon as I sat I felt a big gush of water come out. Right away I knew this might be my water breaking. I texted Alex and I called my mom to ask for opinion and she told me I should call my doctor right away.
I called my doctor and after asking me a few questions she determined it was most likely my water breaking and advised me to head to the hospital right away. I was not feeling any contractions or any pain at this point.
It was 6:20/6:30 pm, and I had to head south on the 5 freeway. Traffic was going to be horrible!!! I spoke to Alex and we decided he would Uber to me and he would drive us back down to the hospital.
I was waiting for about 10 minutes when and I started getting a little nervous and anxious. I then decided I would start driving down and meet Alex somewhere closer to the hospital. We ended up meeting in Clairemont, even though it did not take too long to get there, it definitely felt like an eternity.
We finally arrived at the hospital a little before 8 pm. Alex dropped me off in the front while he went to look for parking. I was so scared to get off the car, I didn't want to leak everywhere lol.
At this point I still had no pain or contractions. I checked in and they wheeled me up to the labor and delivery floor. They took me straight into the triage and told me they would check to see if my water did break or if it was something else.
They checked and confirmed I had premature rupture of the membranes at 36 weeks. They then informed me they would contact my doctor to see how she wanted us to proceed.
They also informed me I was no longer able to walk around and had to be in a laying position until I delivered. My first thought and question: "what if I have to use the restroom?" The nurse smiled and showed me a tiny bucket I would have to use... ohhhh.... myyyyyy... goddddd! Lol
I contacted my mom and updated her on what was going on. She asked if she should come and I said we were just waiting so there was no point. I told her I would call her once she should start heading over.
The nurses in the triage informed they were waiting to hear back from my doctor to see how she wanted them to proceed. It was about 9:30 pm when she called them and told them she suggested I get induced since I was having zero contractions and my water broke and it was premature labor.
The nurse told me I would be getting cervidil. I asked a millions questions since I had not done any research on this form of induction. I knew the most common was pitocin, and even then my plan was to avoid induction as much as possible unless it was absolutely necessary.
I asked the nurse what I should expect once it was inserted. She said I would have it in for about 12 hours and during that time I would feel mild cramping but nothing extreme. She then said I wouldn't deliver for another 24-48 hours since it was my first baby and I had no contractions.
Alex and I decided he should go home to prepare our hospital bag, set up baby's car seat and finish his capstone paper that was due the next day. Before he left he asked the nurse one last time if baby was coming any time soon and once again she said "No way! She has a long way to go."
My mom arrived at the hospital at around 11 pm. Soon after she arrived they induced me. About 20 minutes later I started feeling some pain on my lower back. I didn't think much of it and tried to ignore it.
By 11:45 pm the pain started intensifying so I told my mom and we checked my contraction chart and it was still flat. According to the machine I still had no contractions. I waited it out but about 15 minutes later the pain got so strong I was starting to get nervous.
I called the nurse over and asked if she could check if I was dilated, and she told me there was no point in checking. She said based on the chart I wasn't even contracting so she knew I couldn't be dilated.
She then went on to talk about how majority of first time moms think the pain is stronger than it actually is. I actually thought she might have been right at the moment and thought to myself "I'm so dramatic!" Lol. She said she wouldn't check me until 8 am the next morning.
15 minutes after that (about 12:15 am) my lower back pain was so intense I started crying and yelling. The nurse came over and once again checked my chart and said I wasn't contracting. I told her the pain was very strong and I wanted to be checked she said she couldn't, again, I had to wait until 8 am the next morning.
She left, my mom tried to comfort me but the pain got so bad, I felt like my hips were being pulled apart. At that point my mom ran to get the nurse. The nurses told my mom to wait outside.
I then told the nurse I needed to get checked because the pain was so bad I could no longer stand it. She once again said "sweetie, you are not even contracting yet. You'll be okay." At that point I felt ignored, vulnerable and upset, I demanded to speak to my doctor (who was delivering triplets at another location.)
I told the nurse she was being uncooperative and not listening and that I wanted to speak to someone else because this was not normal. She then rolled her eyes and said she would check.
She went in to check, and guess what? I WAS 10 CM DILATED!!!!!! Her eyes got so big and she just kept apologizing saying she didn't know how it had happened so fast.
I then yelled for my mom and told her to call Alex because the baby was coming. I was feeling so helpless, unheard and nervous. Labor is already very difficult, but my nursing team in the triage made it even worst.
I understand nurses and doctors deal with women in labor every day and this might be a very common experience for them. However, this was MY FIRST time, my SPECIAL MOMENT, and they did not treat me with any respect.
They ignored my requests, labeled me as a weak person unable to handle "normal pain," and did not care one bit about what I was feeling and experiencing.
I did my best to clear my mind and keep a positive attitude. I knew the most difficult part was coming and I wanted to be fully prepared and go in with a positive and clear mind.
The nurse asked me if I wanted the epidural. I thought it was too late but she said I could still get it. I decided I wanted to do it, since at this point the pain on my back was unbearable.
The anesthesiologist showed up with a nurse. She started prepping me and they asked me to sit up. My contractions at this point were less than 20 seconds apart.
The anesthesiologist kept saying "Don't move because if you move I could paralyze you!" SERIOUSLY? I know the dangers of an epidural and while he was right, how could he keep asking me not to move when my contractions were so close together?
After a few times of him telling me not to move I yelled and told him I didn't want it. The nurse then said "Honey, you need it. Your a first time mom!" I lost it.
Up to this point I had had nothing but bad experiences with everyone. Nurses not listening to me, ignoring me, telling me I was exaggerating, and now this one telling me I NEEDED AN EPIDURAL BECAUSE I WAS A FTM.
At that point I told them both to get out of my room and to not talk to me anymore. I really wanted to focus on staying positive and letting my body do what it was meant to do. I continued to take big breaths and think about everything I had learned about during my pregnancy. I was determined to deliver Arian with a positive mind.
Soon after that, another nurse came in and checked me. She said she saw the baby's head and that we needed to head into the delivery room. They then informed me all delivery rooms were taken and I would be delivering in the OR. WHAT???!!!
Everything I had planned went out the window. My mom and Alex were both supposed to be in the room with me. But when delivering in the OR only one person can be with you.
As they were rolling me into the OR, I asked the nurse where my doctor was. She informed me she was on her way. I also asked for my mom and they told me she was out in the waiting area.
I spoke to my mom briefly and told her what was going on (probably just babbled since I was in so much pain lol). My mom was so sweet and supportive and told me everything would be okay and that Alex was almost there.
They rolled me in to the OR and I kept asking for Alex and my doctor. They kept telling me they were both on their way. At this point my contractions were pretty close together and they pain was very intense!
I remember telling them I had to poop (lol tmi). And they kept telling me it was baby coming....I was so nervous, scared and anxious to see if my doctor and Alex would make it on time...
To be continued !
found in
This is a continuation to the first part of my Labor Story. If you need a refresher or need to read it, you can find it here.
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There I was. All alone in the OR room, not the delivery room since they were all full. Finally I hear Alex’s voice.
I turn to the door and there he was, entering the room. And right behind him was Doctor Carson, our doctor.
I was so happy to see them both! We had no time to talk and catch up. All I remember was Dr. Carson telling me the baby was working his way down.
She told me she wanted me to start pushing, she said I would need to push for 10 seconds and they would count it down. She said, “whenever you feel the contraction coming I need you to start pushing.”
This was it! The moment I had been preparing for for 8 months, the moment I knew was going to be painful but beautiful at the same time. I was excited, nervous, scared, everything you can think of, I was feeling.
I remember the pain was so intense, every time I would feel the contraction coming I would cover my ears. Up to this day I still don’t know why I was covering my ears, it felt good in that moment.
Remember, Alex missed the whole part leading up to this moment so this whole time he thought I had gotten the epidural.
The moment came, I felt the contraction coming and I knew I needed to push. I warned them I felt it coming and they all started counting down, including Alex. I was grabbing and squeezing Alex’s hands and covering my ears whenever I could.
I continued pushing every time I felt a contraction and every single time I would ask “can see you him yet?” Finally, I felt a huge amount of pressure and I knew that was him pushing through.
One of the nurses, who was on my left side kept telling me to grab my legs from the outside. That didn’t feel right to me, it was so uncomfortable so I kept pushing my legs down from the inside.
At some point, after telling me to not grab from the inside, she grabbed my hands firmly and moved them to the outside. I was furious.
Everyone tells you to listen to your body and to do what feels right. I told her to stop touching me and Alex told her to stay away. Doctor Carson then told her to let me do what I had to do. She backed away.
At this point I felt a strong urge to stretch my back. Remember I had been laying in the same position for a few hours now. My back was tired and sore.
I asked doctor Carson if I could stretch my back and the same nurse that had grabbed my arms said “NO! You can’t.” Doctor Carson then told me once the next contraction was done I could.
I pushed for ten seconds again, then I knew I could stretch. My body was urging me to lift my hips up and stretch out my back. It was the weirdest feeling, my body telling me to do it and it felt SOOOO GOOD.
I am sure everyone in that room was probably confused lol. But oh well, it felt good in the moment !
Right after that I felt even more pressure, and Doctor Carson told me this push would be it!!!
Right at that moment they called people in. There was a group of 5-7 interns who rushed in to watch me deliver the baby!!!
They had asked if it was okay to have interns watch if possible. I said as long as they are watching and not actively participating it’s okay. I never thought there would be 7 of them!
Anyway, no time to ask questions or focus on them. I had a baby trying to make his prime entrance into the world!
I took a big breath and pushed!!! And y’all, let me tell you the ring of fire is real!!!
I felt a burning sensation in my entire body, baby Arian was crowning!!!
After that I just pushed a little more and the most beautiful moment .... we heard his cry!!!
In this moment nothing else mattered. The pain I had been through, the crazy experience I had leading up to delivery, and the non caring nurses I came across, none of that mattered. The only thing that mattered was my beautiful baby boy!
After some time with my precious boy, they handed him over to Alex since I was still not done. Doctor Carson said she needed me to push one more time. My placenta still needed to be delivered!
It was a quick push and not painful at all. After that, my first question was, “did I tear?” She said yes, then I asked “will I need stitches?” She said yes!
This was the one thing I was the most scared of, after all the stories I had heard and read about I was very nervous about these stitches and the healing!
Thankfully it was not as bad as I thought! I mean after everything my body had been through this seemed so minimal.
And the rest is history! Baby boy was healthy, I was okay and our little family was complete!
Even though it was a difficult experience and I feel like I was tested, I am glad I experienced it all. I wouldn’t trade it for the world because I learned so much not only about the system but about myself! I learned I am stronger than I ever thought I could be, and my body is amazing and it knows what it’s doing.
Remember you are your biggest advocate! Listen to your bodies (as long as baby is safe) and go with your gut feeling! You got this mama!
This is a continuation to the first part of my Labor Story. If you need a refresher or need to read it, you can find it here.
- - -
There I was. All alone in the OR room, not the delivery room since they were all full. Finally I hear Alex’s voice.
I turn to the door and there he was, entering the room. And right behind him was Doctor Carson, our doctor.
I was so happy to see them both! We had no time to talk and catch up. All I remember was Dr. Carson telling me the baby was working his way down.
She told me she wanted me to start pushing, she said I would need to push for 10 seconds and they would count it down. She said, “whenever you feel the contraction coming I need you to start pushing.”
This was it! The moment I had been preparing for for 8 months, the moment I knew was going to be painful but beautiful at the same time. I was excited, nervous, scared, everything you can think of, I was feeling.
I remember the pain was so intense, every time I would feel the contraction coming I would cover my ears. Up to this day I still don’t know why I was covering my ears, it felt good in that moment.
Remember, Alex missed the whole part leading up to this moment so this whole time he thought I had gotten the epidural.
The moment came, I felt the contraction coming and I knew I needed to push. I warned them I felt it coming and they all started counting down, including Alex. I was grabbing and squeezing Alex’s hands and covering my ears whenever I could.
I continued pushing every time I felt a contraction and every single time I would ask “can see you him yet?” Finally, I felt a huge amount of pressure and I knew that was him pushing through.
One of the nurses, who was on my left side kept telling me to grab my legs from the outside. That didn’t feel right to me, it was so uncomfortable so I kept pushing my legs down from the inside.
At some point, after telling me to not grab from the inside, she grabbed my hands firmly and moved them to the outside. I was furious.
Everyone tells you to listen to your body and to do what feels right. I told her to stop touching me and Alex told her to stay away. Doctor Carson then told her to let me do what I had to do. She backed away.
At this point I felt a strong urge to stretch my back. Remember I had been laying in the same position for a few hours now. My back was tired and sore.
I asked doctor Carson if I could stretch my back and the same nurse that had grabbed my arms said “NO! You can’t.” Doctor Carson then told me once the next contraction was done I could.
I pushed for ten seconds again, then I knew I could stretch. My body was urging me to lift my hips up and stretch out my back. It was the weirdest feeling, my body telling me to do it and it felt SOOOO GOOD.
I am sure everyone in that room was probably confused lol. But oh well, it felt good in the moment !
Right after that I felt even more pressure, and Doctor Carson told me this push would be it!!!
Right at that moment they called people in. There was a group of 5-7 interns who rushed in to watch me deliver the baby!!!
They had asked if it was okay to have interns watch if possible. I said as long as they are watching and not actively participating it’s okay. I never thought there would be 7 of them!
Anyway, no time to ask questions or focus on them. I had a baby trying to make his prime entrance into the world!
I took a big breath and pushed!!! And y’all, let me tell you the ring of fire is real!!!
I felt a burning sensation in my entire body, baby Arian was crowning!!!
After that I just pushed a little more and the most beautiful moment .... we heard his cry!!!
In this moment nothing else mattered. The pain I had been through, the crazy experience I had leading up to delivery, and the non caring nurses I came across, none of that mattered. The only thing that mattered was my beautiful baby boy!
After some time with my precious boy, they handed him over to Alex since I was still not done. Doctor Carson said she needed me to push one more time. My placenta still needed to be delivered!
It was a quick push and not painful at all. After that, my first question was, “did I tear?” She said yes, then I asked “will I need stitches?” She said yes!
This was the one thing I was the most scared of, after all the stories I had heard and read about I was very nervous about these stitches and the healing!
Thankfully it was not as bad as I thought! I mean after everything my body had been through this seemed so minimal.
And the rest is history! Baby boy was healthy, I was okay and our little family was complete!
Even though it was a difficult experience and I feel like I was tested, I am glad I experienced it all. I wouldn’t trade it for the world because I learned so much not only about the system but about myself! I learned I am stronger than I ever thought I could be, and my body is amazing and it knows what it’s doing.
Remember you are your biggest advocate! Listen to your bodies (as long as baby is safe) and go with your gut feeling! You got this mama!
found in
"You will never be prepared, no matter how much you try!" I heard these words so many times throughout my pregnancy.
Whenever I would say I was taking classes or doing countless amounts of research or simply trying to prepare myself for labor, experienced mothers would tell me there's no such thing as preparing for the unexpected. Labor rarely goes as planned.
While I agree with the fact that labor rarely goes as planned, I am a true believer that preparation is key to success.
I apply this to every aspect of my life. If I don't prepare I feel like I am setting myself up for failure. Labor was going to be no different. I was determined to be as prepared as possible.
So I did everything I could to prepare for what I thought was going to be one of my most challenging experiences. I knew it would be challenging but beautiful at the same time. And the finish line was meeting my baby boy, a happy ending!
Arian's due date was December 3. My last doctor's appointment was on October 26, 2018 and my following appointment was supposed to be November 9, 2018, and weekly visits after that.
Sunday November 4th came around and Alex and I had our maternity photo shoot. I was debating on what shoes to wear and I ended up wearing my favorite booties.
It was at Presidio Park and we did some walking to be able to capture some good sceneries. After that, we went to eat then finally made it home.

After changing into my pajamas and laying down I suddenly had a strong urge to go for a walk, yes at 10 pm. I told Alex and he looked at me with a confused stare lol. He then said, "Okay, let's go!" We got up, put our shoes on and went for a walk around our neighborhood.
About 10 minutes into our walk I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. It wasn't necessarily painful, but more uncomfortable. We decided to go back to our home and wait it out. I felt no more pain and felt completely fine the rest of the night.
The next day I had to go to work, and it just so happened that that day I was running my meeting in Solana Beach (about 30 min drive from my home). When I got there (around 6 pm) I got out of my car and right away I felt what I thought was discharge at the time.
I made my way to the bathroom but didn't see anything so I went on with my regular schedule. I was sitting down for about 15 minutes and felt like I had to go to the bathroom again.
I got up and made my way to the bathroom. As soon as I sat I felt a big gush of water come out. Right away I knew this might be my water breaking. I texted Alex and I called my mom to ask for opinion and she told me I should call my doctor right away.
I called my doctor and after asking me a few questions she determined it was most likely my water breaking and advised me to head to the hospital right away. I was not feeling any contractions or any pain at this point.
It was 6:20/6:30 pm, and I had to head south on the 5 freeway. Traffic was going to be horrible!!! I spoke to Alex and we decided he would Uber to me and he would drive us back down to the hospital.
I was waiting for about 10 minutes when and I started getting a little nervous and anxious. I then decided I would start driving down and meet Alex somewhere closer to the hospital. We ended up meeting in Clairemont, even though it did not take too long to get there, it definitely felt like an eternity.
We finally arrived at the hospital a little before 8 pm. Alex dropped me off in the front while he went to look for parking. I was so scared to get off the car, I didn't want to leak everywhere lol.
At this point I still had no pain or contractions. I checked in and they wheeled me up to the labor and delivery floor. They took me straight into the triage and told me they would check to see if my water did break or if it was something else.
They checked and confirmed I had premature rupture of the membranes at 36 weeks. They then informed me they would contact my doctor to see how she wanted us to proceed.
They also informed me I was no longer able to walk around and had to be in a laying position until I delivered. My first thought and question: "what if I have to use the restroom?" The nurse smiled and showed me a tiny bucket I would have to use... ohhhh.... myyyyyy... goddddd! Lol
I contacted my mom and updated her on what was going on. She asked if she should come and I said we were just waiting so there was no point. I told her I would call her once she should start heading over.
The nurses in the triage informed they were waiting to hear back from my doctor to see how she wanted them to proceed. It was about 9:30 pm when she called them and told them she suggested I get induced since I was having zero contractions and my water broke and it was premature labor.
The nurse told me I would be getting cervidil. I asked a millions questions since I had not done any research on this form of induction. I knew the most common was pitocin, and even then my plan was to avoid induction as much as possible unless it was absolutely necessary.
I asked the nurse what I should expect once it was inserted. She said I would have it in for about 12 hours and during that time I would feel mild cramping but nothing extreme. She then said I wouldn't deliver for another 24-48 hours since it was my first baby and I had no contractions.
Alex and I decided he should go home to prepare our hospital bag, set up baby's car seat and finish his capstone paper that was due the next day. Before he left he asked the nurse one last time if baby was coming any time soon and once again she said "No way! She has a long way to go."
My mom arrived at the hospital at around 11 pm. Soon after she arrived they induced me. About 20 minutes later I started feeling some pain on my lower back. I didn't think much of it and tried to ignore it.
By 11:45 pm the pain started intensifying so I told my mom and we checked my contraction chart and it was still flat. According to the machine I still had no contractions. I waited it out but about 15 minutes later the pain got so strong I was starting to get nervous.
I called the nurse over and asked if she could check if I was dilated, and she told me there was no point in checking. She said based on the chart I wasn't even contracting so she knew I couldn't be dilated.
She then went on to talk about how majority of first time moms think the pain is stronger than it actually is. I actually thought she might have been right at the moment and thought to myself "I'm so dramatic!" Lol. She said she wouldn't check me until 8 am the next morning.
15 minutes after that (about 12:15 am) my lower back pain was so intense I started crying and yelling. The nurse came over and once again checked my chart and said I wasn't contracting. I told her the pain was very strong and I wanted to be checked she said she couldn't, again, I had to wait until 8 am the next morning.
She left, my mom tried to comfort me but the pain got so bad, I felt like my hips were being pulled apart. At that point my mom ran to get the nurse. The nurses told my mom to wait outside.
I then told the nurse I needed to get checked because the pain was so bad I could no longer stand it. She once again said "sweetie, you are not even contracting yet. You'll be okay." At that point I felt ignored, vulnerable and upset, I demanded to speak to my doctor (who was delivering triplets at another location.)
I told the nurse she was being uncooperative and not listening and that I wanted to speak to someone else because this was not normal. She then rolled her eyes and said she would check.
She went in to check, and guess what? I WAS 10 CM DILATED!!!!!! Her eyes got so big and she just kept apologizing saying she didn't know how it had happened so fast.
I then yelled for my mom and told her to call Alex because the baby was coming. I was feeling so helpless, unheard and nervous. Labor is already very difficult, but my nursing team in the triage made it even worst.
I understand nurses and doctors deal with women in labor every day and this might be a very common experience for them. However, this was MY FIRST time, my SPECIAL MOMENT, and they did not treat me with any respect.
They ignored my requests, labeled me as a weak person unable to handle "normal pain," and did not care one bit about what I was feeling and experiencing.
I did my best to clear my mind and keep a positive attitude. I knew the most difficult part was coming and I wanted to be fully prepared and go in with a positive and clear mind.
The nurse asked me if I wanted the epidural. I thought it was too late but she said I could still get it. I decided I wanted to do it, since at this point the pain on my back was unbearable.
The anesthesiologist showed up with a nurse. She started prepping me and they asked me to sit up. My contractions at this point were less than 20 seconds apart.
The anesthesiologist kept saying "Don't move because if you move I could paralyze you!" SERIOUSLY? I know the dangers of an epidural and while he was right, how could he keep asking me not to move when my contractions were so close together?
After a few times of him telling me not to move I yelled and told him I didn't want it. The nurse then said "Honey, you need it. Your a first time mom!" I lost it.
Up to this point I had had nothing but bad experiences with everyone. Nurses not listening to me, ignoring me, telling me I was exaggerating, and now this one telling me I NEEDED AN EPIDURAL BECAUSE I WAS A FTM.
At that point I told them both to get out of my room and to not talk to me anymore. I really wanted to focus on staying positive and letting my body do what it was meant to do. I continued to take big breaths and think about everything I had learned about during my pregnancy. I was determined to deliver Arian with a positive mind.
Soon after that, another nurse came in and checked me. She said she saw the baby's head and that we needed to head into the delivery room. They then informed me all delivery rooms were taken and I would be delivering in the OR. WHAT???!!!
Everything I had planned went out the window. My mom and Alex were both supposed to be in the room with me. But when delivering in the OR only one person can be with you.
As they were rolling me into the OR, I asked the nurse where my doctor was. She informed me she was on her way. I also asked for my mom and they told me she was out in the waiting area.
I spoke to my mom briefly and told her what was going on (probably just babbled since I was in so much pain lol). My mom was so sweet and supportive and told me everything would be okay and that Alex was almost there.
They rolled me in to the OR and I kept asking for Alex and my doctor. They kept telling me they were both on their way. At this point my contractions were pretty close together and they pain was very intense!
I remember telling them I had to poop (lol tmi). And they kept telling me it was baby coming....I was so nervous, scared and anxious to see if my doctor and Alex would make it on time...
To be continued !
Whenever I would say I was taking classes or doing countless amounts of research or simply trying to prepare myself for labor, experienced mothers would tell me there's no such thing as preparing for the unexpected. Labor rarely goes as planned.
While I agree with the fact that labor rarely goes as planned, I am a true believer that preparation is key to success.
I apply this to every aspect of my life. If I don't prepare I feel like I am setting myself up for failure. Labor was going to be no different. I was determined to be as prepared as possible.
So I did everything I could to prepare for what I thought was going to be one of my most challenging experiences. I knew it would be challenging but beautiful at the same time. And the finish line was meeting my baby boy, a happy ending!
Arian's due date was December 3. My last doctor's appointment was on October 26, 2018 and my following appointment was supposed to be November 9, 2018, and weekly visits after that.
Sunday November 4th came around and Alex and I had our maternity photo shoot. I was debating on what shoes to wear and I ended up wearing my favorite booties.
It was at Presidio Park and we did some walking to be able to capture some good sceneries. After that, we went to eat then finally made it home.

After changing into my pajamas and laying down I suddenly had a strong urge to go for a walk, yes at 10 pm. I told Alex and he looked at me with a confused stare lol. He then said, "Okay, let's go!" We got up, put our shoes on and went for a walk around our neighborhood.
About 10 minutes into our walk I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. It wasn't necessarily painful, but more uncomfortable. We decided to go back to our home and wait it out. I felt no more pain and felt completely fine the rest of the night.
The next day I had to go to work, and it just so happened that that day I was running my meeting in Solana Beach (about 30 min drive from my home). When I got there (around 6 pm) I got out of my car and right away I felt what I thought was discharge at the time.
I made my way to the bathroom but didn't see anything so I went on with my regular schedule. I was sitting down for about 15 minutes and felt like I had to go to the bathroom again.
I got up and made my way to the bathroom. As soon as I sat I felt a big gush of water come out. Right away I knew this might be my water breaking. I texted Alex and I called my mom to ask for opinion and she told me I should call my doctor right away.
I called my doctor and after asking me a few questions she determined it was most likely my water breaking and advised me to head to the hospital right away. I was not feeling any contractions or any pain at this point.
It was 6:20/6:30 pm, and I had to head south on the 5 freeway. Traffic was going to be horrible!!! I spoke to Alex and we decided he would Uber to me and he would drive us back down to the hospital.
I was waiting for about 10 minutes when and I started getting a little nervous and anxious. I then decided I would start driving down and meet Alex somewhere closer to the hospital. We ended up meeting in Clairemont, even though it did not take too long to get there, it definitely felt like an eternity.
We finally arrived at the hospital a little before 8 pm. Alex dropped me off in the front while he went to look for parking. I was so scared to get off the car, I didn't want to leak everywhere lol.
At this point I still had no pain or contractions. I checked in and they wheeled me up to the labor and delivery floor. They took me straight into the triage and told me they would check to see if my water did break or if it was something else.
They checked and confirmed I had premature rupture of the membranes at 36 weeks. They then informed me they would contact my doctor to see how she wanted us to proceed.
They also informed me I was no longer able to walk around and had to be in a laying position until I delivered. My first thought and question: "what if I have to use the restroom?" The nurse smiled and showed me a tiny bucket I would have to use... ohhhh.... myyyyyy... goddddd! Lol
I contacted my mom and updated her on what was going on. She asked if she should come and I said we were just waiting so there was no point. I told her I would call her once she should start heading over.
The nurses in the triage informed they were waiting to hear back from my doctor to see how she wanted them to proceed. It was about 9:30 pm when she called them and told them she suggested I get induced since I was having zero contractions and my water broke and it was premature labor.
The nurse told me I would be getting cervidil. I asked a millions questions since I had not done any research on this form of induction. I knew the most common was pitocin, and even then my plan was to avoid induction as much as possible unless it was absolutely necessary.
I asked the nurse what I should expect once it was inserted. She said I would have it in for about 12 hours and during that time I would feel mild cramping but nothing extreme. She then said I wouldn't deliver for another 24-48 hours since it was my first baby and I had no contractions.
Alex and I decided he should go home to prepare our hospital bag, set up baby's car seat and finish his capstone paper that was due the next day. Before he left he asked the nurse one last time if baby was coming any time soon and once again she said "No way! She has a long way to go."
My mom arrived at the hospital at around 11 pm. Soon after she arrived they induced me. About 20 minutes later I started feeling some pain on my lower back. I didn't think much of it and tried to ignore it.
By 11:45 pm the pain started intensifying so I told my mom and we checked my contraction chart and it was still flat. According to the machine I still had no contractions. I waited it out but about 15 minutes later the pain got so strong I was starting to get nervous.
I called the nurse over and asked if she could check if I was dilated, and she told me there was no point in checking. She said based on the chart I wasn't even contracting so she knew I couldn't be dilated.
She then went on to talk about how majority of first time moms think the pain is stronger than it actually is. I actually thought she might have been right at the moment and thought to myself "I'm so dramatic!" Lol. She said she wouldn't check me until 8 am the next morning.
15 minutes after that (about 12:15 am) my lower back pain was so intense I started crying and yelling. The nurse came over and once again checked my chart and said I wasn't contracting. I told her the pain was very strong and I wanted to be checked she said she couldn't, again, I had to wait until 8 am the next morning.
She left, my mom tried to comfort me but the pain got so bad, I felt like my hips were being pulled apart. At that point my mom ran to get the nurse. The nurses told my mom to wait outside.
I then told the nurse I needed to get checked because the pain was so bad I could no longer stand it. She once again said "sweetie, you are not even contracting yet. You'll be okay." At that point I felt ignored, vulnerable and upset, I demanded to speak to my doctor (who was delivering triplets at another location.)
I told the nurse she was being uncooperative and not listening and that I wanted to speak to someone else because this was not normal. She then rolled her eyes and said she would check.
She went in to check, and guess what? I WAS 10 CM DILATED!!!!!! Her eyes got so big and she just kept apologizing saying she didn't know how it had happened so fast.
I then yelled for my mom and told her to call Alex because the baby was coming. I was feeling so helpless, unheard and nervous. Labor is already very difficult, but my nursing team in the triage made it even worst.
I understand nurses and doctors deal with women in labor every day and this might be a very common experience for them. However, this was MY FIRST time, my SPECIAL MOMENT, and they did not treat me with any respect.
They ignored my requests, labeled me as a weak person unable to handle "normal pain," and did not care one bit about what I was feeling and experiencing.
I did my best to clear my mind and keep a positive attitude. I knew the most difficult part was coming and I wanted to be fully prepared and go in with a positive and clear mind.
The nurse asked me if I wanted the epidural. I thought it was too late but she said I could still get it. I decided I wanted to do it, since at this point the pain on my back was unbearable.
The anesthesiologist showed up with a nurse. She started prepping me and they asked me to sit up. My contractions at this point were less than 20 seconds apart.
The anesthesiologist kept saying "Don't move because if you move I could paralyze you!" SERIOUSLY? I know the dangers of an epidural and while he was right, how could he keep asking me not to move when my contractions were so close together?
After a few times of him telling me not to move I yelled and told him I didn't want it. The nurse then said "Honey, you need it. Your a first time mom!" I lost it.
Up to this point I had had nothing but bad experiences with everyone. Nurses not listening to me, ignoring me, telling me I was exaggerating, and now this one telling me I NEEDED AN EPIDURAL BECAUSE I WAS A FTM.
At that point I told them both to get out of my room and to not talk to me anymore. I really wanted to focus on staying positive and letting my body do what it was meant to do. I continued to take big breaths and think about everything I had learned about during my pregnancy. I was determined to deliver Arian with a positive mind.
Soon after that, another nurse came in and checked me. She said she saw the baby's head and that we needed to head into the delivery room. They then informed me all delivery rooms were taken and I would be delivering in the OR. WHAT???!!!
Everything I had planned went out the window. My mom and Alex were both supposed to be in the room with me. But when delivering in the OR only one person can be with you.
As they were rolling me into the OR, I asked the nurse where my doctor was. She informed me she was on her way. I also asked for my mom and they told me she was out in the waiting area.
I spoke to my mom briefly and told her what was going on (probably just babbled since I was in so much pain lol). My mom was so sweet and supportive and told me everything would be okay and that Alex was almost there.
They rolled me in to the OR and I kept asking for Alex and my doctor. They kept telling me they were both on their way. At this point my contractions were pretty close together and they pain was very intense!
I remember telling them I had to poop (lol tmi). And they kept telling me it was baby coming....I was so nervous, scared and anxious to see if my doctor and Alex would make it on time...
To be continued !
"You will never be prepared, no matter how much you try!" I heard these words so many times throughout my pregnancy.
Whenever I would say I was taking classes or doing countless amounts of research or simply trying to prepare myself for labor, experienced mothers would tell me there's no such thing as preparing for the unexpected. Labor rarely goes as planned.
While I agree with the fact that labor rarely goes as planned, I am a true believer that preparation is key to success.
I apply this to every aspect of my life. If I don't prepare I feel like I am setting myself up for failure. Labor was going to be no different. I was determined to be as prepared as possible.
So I did everything I could to prepare for what I thought was going to be one of my most challenging experiences. I knew it would be challenging but beautiful at the same time. And the finish line was meeting my baby boy, a happy ending!
Arian's due date was December 3. My last doctor's appointment was on October 26, 2018 and my following appointment was supposed to be November 9, 2018, and weekly visits after that.
Sunday November 4th came around and Alex and I had our maternity photo shoot. I was debating on what shoes to wear and I ended up wearing my favorite booties.
It was at Presidio Park and we did some walking to be able to capture some good sceneries. After that, we went to eat then finally made it home.

After changing into my pajamas and laying down I suddenly had a strong urge to go for a walk, yes at 10 pm. I told Alex and he looked at me with a confused stare lol. He then said, "Okay, let's go!" We got up, put our shoes on and went for a walk around our neighborhood.
About 10 minutes into our walk I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. It wasn't necessarily painful, but more uncomfortable. We decided to go back to our home and wait it out. I felt no more pain and felt completely fine the rest of the night.
The next day I had to go to work, and it just so happened that that day I was running my meeting in Solana Beach (about 30 min drive from my home). When I got there (around 6 pm) I got out of my car and right away I felt what I thought was discharge at the time.
I made my way to the bathroom but didn't see anything so I went on with my regular schedule. I was sitting down for about 15 minutes and felt like I had to go to the bathroom again.
I got up and made my way to the bathroom. As soon as I sat I felt a big gush of water come out. Right away I knew this might be my water breaking. I texted Alex and I called my mom to ask for opinion and she told me I should call my doctor right away.
I called my doctor and after asking me a few questions she determined it was most likely my water breaking and advised me to head to the hospital right away. I was not feeling any contractions or any pain at this point.
It was 6:20/6:30 pm, and I had to head south on the 5 freeway. Traffic was going to be horrible!!! I spoke to Alex and we decided he would Uber to me and he would drive us back down to the hospital.
I was waiting for about 10 minutes when and I started getting a little nervous and anxious. I then decided I would start driving down and meet Alex somewhere closer to the hospital. We ended up meeting in Clairemont, even though it did not take too long to get there, it definitely felt like an eternity.
We finally arrived at the hospital a little before 8 pm. Alex dropped me off in the front while he went to look for parking. I was so scared to get off the car, I didn't want to leak everywhere lol.
At this point I still had no pain or contractions. I checked in and they wheeled me up to the labor and delivery floor. They took me straight into the triage and told me they would check to see if my water did break or if it was something else.
They checked and confirmed I had premature rupture of the membranes at 36 weeks. They then informed me they would contact my doctor to see how she wanted us to proceed.
They also informed me I was no longer able to walk around and had to be in a laying position until I delivered. My first thought and question: "what if I have to use the restroom?" The nurse smiled and showed me a tiny bucket I would have to use... ohhhh.... myyyyyy... goddddd! Lol
I contacted my mom and updated her on what was going on. She asked if she should come and I said we were just waiting so there was no point. I told her I would call her once she should start heading over.
The nurses in the triage informed they were waiting to hear back from my doctor to see how she wanted them to proceed. It was about 9:30 pm when she called them and told them she suggested I get induced since I was having zero contractions and my water broke and it was premature labor.
The nurse told me I would be getting cervidil. I asked a millions questions since I had not done any research on this form of induction. I knew the most common was pitocin, and even then my plan was to avoid induction as much as possible unless it was absolutely necessary.
I asked the nurse what I should expect once it was inserted. She said I would have it in for about 12 hours and during that time I would feel mild cramping but nothing extreme. She then said I wouldn't deliver for another 24-48 hours since it was my first baby and I had no contractions.
Alex and I decided he should go home to prepare our hospital bag, set up baby's car seat and finish his capstone paper that was due the next day. Before he left he asked the nurse one last time if baby was coming any time soon and once again she said "No way! She has a long way to go."
My mom arrived at the hospital at around 11 pm. Soon after she arrived they induced me. About 20 minutes later I started feeling some pain on my lower back. I didn't think much of it and tried to ignore it.
By 11:45 pm the pain started intensifying so I told my mom and we checked my contraction chart and it was still flat. According to the machine I still had no contractions. I waited it out but about 15 minutes later the pain got so strong I was starting to get nervous.
I called the nurse over and asked if she could check if I was dilated, and she told me there was no point in checking. She said based on the chart I wasn't even contracting so she knew I couldn't be dilated.
She then went on to talk about how majority of first time moms think the pain is stronger than it actually is. I actually thought she might have been right at the moment and thought to myself "I'm so dramatic!" Lol. She said she wouldn't check me until 8 am the next morning.
15 minutes after that (about 12:15 am) my lower back pain was so intense I started crying and yelling. The nurse came over and once again checked my chart and said I wasn't contracting. I told her the pain was very strong and I wanted to be checked she said she couldn't, again, I had to wait until 8 am the next morning.
She left, my mom tried to comfort me but the pain got so bad, I felt like my hips were being pulled apart. At that point my mom ran to get the nurse. The nurses told my mom to wait outside.
I then told the nurse I needed to get checked because the pain was so bad I could no longer stand it. She once again said "sweetie, you are not even contracting yet. You'll be okay." At that point I felt ignored, vulnerable and upset, I demanded to speak to my doctor (who was delivering triplets at another location.)
I told the nurse she was being uncooperative and not listening and that I wanted to speak to someone else because this was not normal. She then rolled her eyes and said she would check.
She went in to check, and guess what? I WAS 10 CM DILATED!!!!!! Her eyes got so big and she just kept apologizing saying she didn't know how it had happened so fast.
I then yelled for my mom and told her to call Alex because the baby was coming. I was feeling so helpless, unheard and nervous. Labor is already very difficult, but my nursing team in the triage made it even worst.
I understand nurses and doctors deal with women in labor every day and this might be a very common experience for them. However, this was MY FIRST time, my SPECIAL MOMENT, and they did not treat me with any respect.
They ignored my requests, labeled me as a weak person unable to handle "normal pain," and did not care one bit about what I was feeling and experiencing.
I did my best to clear my mind and keep a positive attitude. I knew the most difficult part was coming and I wanted to be fully prepared and go in with a positive and clear mind.
The nurse asked me if I wanted the epidural. I thought it was too late but she said I could still get it. I decided I wanted to do it, since at this point the pain on my back was unbearable.
The anesthesiologist showed up with a nurse. She started prepping me and they asked me to sit up. My contractions at this point were less than 20 seconds apart.
The anesthesiologist kept saying "Don't move because if you move I could paralyze you!" SERIOUSLY? I know the dangers of an epidural and while he was right, how could he keep asking me not to move when my contractions were so close together?
After a few times of him telling me not to move I yelled and told him I didn't want it. The nurse then said "Honey, you need it. Your a first time mom!" I lost it.
Up to this point I had had nothing but bad experiences with everyone. Nurses not listening to me, ignoring me, telling me I was exaggerating, and now this one telling me I NEEDED AN EPIDURAL BECAUSE I WAS A FTM.
At that point I told them both to get out of my room and to not talk to me anymore. I really wanted to focus on staying positive and letting my body do what it was meant to do. I continued to take big breaths and think about everything I had learned about during my pregnancy. I was determined to deliver Arian with a positive mind.
Soon after that, another nurse came in and checked me. She said she saw the baby's head and that we needed to head into the delivery room. They then informed me all delivery rooms were taken and I would be delivering in the OR. WHAT???!!!
Everything I had planned went out the window. My mom and Alex were both supposed to be in the room with me. But when delivering in the OR only one person can be with you.
As they were rolling me into the OR, I asked the nurse where my doctor was. She informed me she was on her way. I also asked for my mom and they told me she was out in the waiting area.
I spoke to my mom briefly and told her what was going on (probably just babbled since I was in so much pain lol). My mom was so sweet and supportive and told me everything would be okay and that Alex was almost there.
They rolled me in to the OR and I kept asking for Alex and my doctor. They kept telling me they were both on their way. At this point my contractions were pretty close together and they pain was very intense!
I remember telling them I had to poop (lol tmi). And they kept telling me it was baby coming....I was so nervous, scared and anxious to see if my doctor and Alex would make it on time...
To be continued !
Whenever I would say I was taking classes or doing countless amounts of research or simply trying to prepare myself for labor, experienced mothers would tell me there's no such thing as preparing for the unexpected. Labor rarely goes as planned.
While I agree with the fact that labor rarely goes as planned, I am a true believer that preparation is key to success.
I apply this to every aspect of my life. If I don't prepare I feel like I am setting myself up for failure. Labor was going to be no different. I was determined to be as prepared as possible.
So I did everything I could to prepare for what I thought was going to be one of my most challenging experiences. I knew it would be challenging but beautiful at the same time. And the finish line was meeting my baby boy, a happy ending!
Arian's due date was December 3. My last doctor's appointment was on October 26, 2018 and my following appointment was supposed to be November 9, 2018, and weekly visits after that.
Sunday November 4th came around and Alex and I had our maternity photo shoot. I was debating on what shoes to wear and I ended up wearing my favorite booties.
It was at Presidio Park and we did some walking to be able to capture some good sceneries. After that, we went to eat then finally made it home.

After changing into my pajamas and laying down I suddenly had a strong urge to go for a walk, yes at 10 pm. I told Alex and he looked at me with a confused stare lol. He then said, "Okay, let's go!" We got up, put our shoes on and went for a walk around our neighborhood.
About 10 minutes into our walk I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. It wasn't necessarily painful, but more uncomfortable. We decided to go back to our home and wait it out. I felt no more pain and felt completely fine the rest of the night.
The next day I had to go to work, and it just so happened that that day I was running my meeting in Solana Beach (about 30 min drive from my home). When I got there (around 6 pm) I got out of my car and right away I felt what I thought was discharge at the time.
I made my way to the bathroom but didn't see anything so I went on with my regular schedule. I was sitting down for about 15 minutes and felt like I had to go to the bathroom again.
I got up and made my way to the bathroom. As soon as I sat I felt a big gush of water come out. Right away I knew this might be my water breaking. I texted Alex and I called my mom to ask for opinion and she told me I should call my doctor right away.
I called my doctor and after asking me a few questions she determined it was most likely my water breaking and advised me to head to the hospital right away. I was not feeling any contractions or any pain at this point.
It was 6:20/6:30 pm, and I had to head south on the 5 freeway. Traffic was going to be horrible!!! I spoke to Alex and we decided he would Uber to me and he would drive us back down to the hospital.
I was waiting for about 10 minutes when and I started getting a little nervous and anxious. I then decided I would start driving down and meet Alex somewhere closer to the hospital. We ended up meeting in Clairemont, even though it did not take too long to get there, it definitely felt like an eternity.
We finally arrived at the hospital a little before 8 pm. Alex dropped me off in the front while he went to look for parking. I was so scared to get off the car, I didn't want to leak everywhere lol.
At this point I still had no pain or contractions. I checked in and they wheeled me up to the labor and delivery floor. They took me straight into the triage and told me they would check to see if my water did break or if it was something else.
They checked and confirmed I had premature rupture of the membranes at 36 weeks. They then informed me they would contact my doctor to see how she wanted us to proceed.
They also informed me I was no longer able to walk around and had to be in a laying position until I delivered. My first thought and question: "what if I have to use the restroom?" The nurse smiled and showed me a tiny bucket I would have to use... ohhhh.... myyyyyy... goddddd! Lol
I contacted my mom and updated her on what was going on. She asked if she should come and I said we were just waiting so there was no point. I told her I would call her once she should start heading over.
The nurses in the triage informed they were waiting to hear back from my doctor to see how she wanted them to proceed. It was about 9:30 pm when she called them and told them she suggested I get induced since I was having zero contractions and my water broke and it was premature labor.
The nurse told me I would be getting cervidil. I asked a millions questions since I had not done any research on this form of induction. I knew the most common was pitocin, and even then my plan was to avoid induction as much as possible unless it was absolutely necessary.
I asked the nurse what I should expect once it was inserted. She said I would have it in for about 12 hours and during that time I would feel mild cramping but nothing extreme. She then said I wouldn't deliver for another 24-48 hours since it was my first baby and I had no contractions.
Alex and I decided he should go home to prepare our hospital bag, set up baby's car seat and finish his capstone paper that was due the next day. Before he left he asked the nurse one last time if baby was coming any time soon and once again she said "No way! She has a long way to go."
My mom arrived at the hospital at around 11 pm. Soon after she arrived they induced me. About 20 minutes later I started feeling some pain on my lower back. I didn't think much of it and tried to ignore it.
By 11:45 pm the pain started intensifying so I told my mom and we checked my contraction chart and it was still flat. According to the machine I still had no contractions. I waited it out but about 15 minutes later the pain got so strong I was starting to get nervous.
I called the nurse over and asked if she could check if I was dilated, and she told me there was no point in checking. She said based on the chart I wasn't even contracting so she knew I couldn't be dilated.
She then went on to talk about how majority of first time moms think the pain is stronger than it actually is. I actually thought she might have been right at the moment and thought to myself "I'm so dramatic!" Lol. She said she wouldn't check me until 8 am the next morning.
15 minutes after that (about 12:15 am) my lower back pain was so intense I started crying and yelling. The nurse came over and once again checked my chart and said I wasn't contracting. I told her the pain was very strong and I wanted to be checked she said she couldn't, again, I had to wait until 8 am the next morning.
She left, my mom tried to comfort me but the pain got so bad, I felt like my hips were being pulled apart. At that point my mom ran to get the nurse. The nurses told my mom to wait outside.
I then told the nurse I needed to get checked because the pain was so bad I could no longer stand it. She once again said "sweetie, you are not even contracting yet. You'll be okay." At that point I felt ignored, vulnerable and upset, I demanded to speak to my doctor (who was delivering triplets at another location.)
I told the nurse she was being uncooperative and not listening and that I wanted to speak to someone else because this was not normal. She then rolled her eyes and said she would check.
She went in to check, and guess what? I WAS 10 CM DILATED!!!!!! Her eyes got so big and she just kept apologizing saying she didn't know how it had happened so fast.
I then yelled for my mom and told her to call Alex because the baby was coming. I was feeling so helpless, unheard and nervous. Labor is already very difficult, but my nursing team in the triage made it even worst.
I understand nurses and doctors deal with women in labor every day and this might be a very common experience for them. However, this was MY FIRST time, my SPECIAL MOMENT, and they did not treat me with any respect.
They ignored my requests, labeled me as a weak person unable to handle "normal pain," and did not care one bit about what I was feeling and experiencing.
I did my best to clear my mind and keep a positive attitude. I knew the most difficult part was coming and I wanted to be fully prepared and go in with a positive and clear mind.
The nurse asked me if I wanted the epidural. I thought it was too late but she said I could still get it. I decided I wanted to do it, since at this point the pain on my back was unbearable.
The anesthesiologist showed up with a nurse. She started prepping me and they asked me to sit up. My contractions at this point were less than 20 seconds apart.
The anesthesiologist kept saying "Don't move because if you move I could paralyze you!" SERIOUSLY? I know the dangers of an epidural and while he was right, how could he keep asking me not to move when my contractions were so close together?
After a few times of him telling me not to move I yelled and told him I didn't want it. The nurse then said "Honey, you need it. Your a first time mom!" I lost it.
Up to this point I had had nothing but bad experiences with everyone. Nurses not listening to me, ignoring me, telling me I was exaggerating, and now this one telling me I NEEDED AN EPIDURAL BECAUSE I WAS A FTM.
At that point I told them both to get out of my room and to not talk to me anymore. I really wanted to focus on staying positive and letting my body do what it was meant to do. I continued to take big breaths and think about everything I had learned about during my pregnancy. I was determined to deliver Arian with a positive mind.
Soon after that, another nurse came in and checked me. She said she saw the baby's head and that we needed to head into the delivery room. They then informed me all delivery rooms were taken and I would be delivering in the OR. WHAT???!!!
Everything I had planned went out the window. My mom and Alex were both supposed to be in the room with me. But when delivering in the OR only one person can be with you.
As they were rolling me into the OR, I asked the nurse where my doctor was. She informed me she was on her way. I also asked for my mom and they told me she was out in the waiting area.
I spoke to my mom briefly and told her what was going on (probably just babbled since I was in so much pain lol). My mom was so sweet and supportive and told me everything would be okay and that Alex was almost there.
They rolled me in to the OR and I kept asking for Alex and my doctor. They kept telling me they were both on their way. At this point my contractions were pretty close together and they pain was very intense!
I remember telling them I had to poop (lol tmi). And they kept telling me it was baby coming....I was so nervous, scared and anxious to see if my doctor and Alex would make it on time...
To be continued !
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